The New EBW Site

Take Your Mark

New face for the Elgin Blue Wave!

Welcome to the updated Elgin Blue Wave website. A fresh new face with some fun new additions! As you will notice we’ve made it even easier to navigate through the waters. There’s still some tweaks here and there that are being worked on but we wanted to get this out to you as soon as we could. So what’s new?

E-mail: Have a question or general inquiry? Use our new CONNECT page to send us an email! This does not take place of the head coach’s e-mail address.

Photo Gallery: Got pictures from meets of you and your teammates? Send them to our new e-mail address and we will post them in our fresh new photo gallery!

Blog: Take your mark.. is the name of our new blog! Any writers on the team? Swimming thoughts you would like to share with your team mates or do you have some good old fashioned wisdom you’d like to share? Join me and others contributing to our bi-weekly blog. E-mail your works to us.

Dues: Do you want to pay your DUES online? Let the head coach know! We have the technology!!

Workouts : We all remember the old way to get to a past workout, now we have a new way. It’s password protected but don’t panic just yet we’ll get you the password.

Enjoy the new website and keep checking back for new updates, blogs or fun additions!

See you in the lanes,

Swimmin’ Sam

Corinne Grotenhuis